View the Video Update: https://youtu.be/e8B8_UBAQCs
Last Town Council Meeting for 2020 Tomorrow, December 15th, will be our last Town Council meeting for the year. The meeting is posted to our website at www.hiltonheadislandsc.gov. Citizens who wish to address Town Council during the meeting by phone must contact the Town Clerk at 843.341.4701 or kristaw@hiltonheadislandsc.gov no later than 12:00 p.m. the day of the meeting. Additionally, you can view the meeting on the Town's Facebook Page at facebook.com/TownofHiltonHeadIslandSC or website at www.hiltonheadislandsc.gov. The meeting may also be viewed on Hargray channels 9 & 113 and Spectrum channel 1304.
Fire Rescue Thanks You for the Donations Our Fire Rescue Division would like to thank everyone who donated gifts and food for its Holiday Drive to support Santa's Workshop at the Deep Well Project. Your donation will help brighten the holidays for families and children in the Hilton Head Island community.
Applications for Hilton Head Island Beach Parking Passes Effective today, we are requesting that applications for 2021-2022 beach parking passes be mailed to or dropped off at a collection box at our Facility Management office at 12A Gateway Circle. With the concerns around the rise of COVID-19 cases, we are limiting person-to-person interaction for processing these applications. The collection box is located in front of the building. You may obtain an application for a beach parking pass, instructions on submitting it and other pertinent information from the Town's website at www.hiltonheadislandsc.gov. Also, applications for beach parking passes will not be accepted at Town Hall and beach parking passes are not available at Town Hall.
Please allow Town staff time to review and process applications. Upon approval, the beach pass will be mailed to the applicant. For more information on beach parking passes, call 843-342-4580 or visit the Town’s website at www.hiltonheadislandsc.gov; in the "How Do I" section of the home page, click on "Obtain" and choose "beach parking pass."
Free Course on Business Continuity Planning The Town's Emergency Management Division is partnering with the Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Chamber of Commerce to present a free one-day course on Business Continuity Planning on January 20, 2021. This course will provide the foundation for building a business continuity plan to help your business manage difficult situations or events that impact you business' ability to operate. The course will be held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Palmera Inn & Suites, 12 Park Lane. Lunch will be provided. Registration for the course is required through the Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium website at www.ruraltraining.org. The course number and title is "MGT 381: Business Continuity Planning." A FEMA Student Identification is required and can be obtained at https://cdp.dhs.gov/femasid. For more information regarding the course, contact Tom Dunn, Emergency Manager for the Town, at 843-247-3744 or thomasd@hiltonheadislandsc.gov.
2020 Lowcountry Hazard Mitigation Plan Draft Available for Public Review The Lowcountry Council of Governments is requesting the public to review and provide comments on the final draft of the Hazard Mitigation Plan for Beaufort, Jasper, Hampton and Colleton counties. The 2020 Lowcountry Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan is an update of the 2015 plan. The plan profiles the natural hazards including historic location and past occurrence data along with identifying the mitigation actions to save lives and prevent major property damage and other loses caused by natural disasters in the Lowcountry region. The report can be viewed on the Lowcountry COG website at www.lowcountrycog.org. Copies are also available upon request. Written comments on the draft will be accepted until close of business on January 8th, 2021. Please send your comments to Maleena Parkey, Lowcountry COG, P. O. Box 98, Yemassee, S.C. 29945 or via email at mparkey@lowcountrycog.org. For additional information regarding the draft Hazard Mitigation Plan, please call 843-473-3987.
COVID-19 Cases and Vaccine Information Extensive reporting on county-level information, demographics and more about coronavirus cases is available at scdhec.gov/COVID19. The website is updated between 1 p.m.-3 p.m. weekdays and 11 a.m.-1 p.m. weekends. You can also find case data on our website at hiltonheadislandsc.gov/COVID19. Visit scdhec.gov/COVID19vaccine for the latest vaccine information.
COVID-19 Testing Drive-thru testing for COVID-19 is available from 8 a.m. to noon at Hilton Head Hospital (25 Hospital Center Blvd. on Hilton Head Island) and Coastal Carolina Hospital (1000 Medical Center Drive in Hardeeville). The test is free. No appointment or doctor's order is needed.
Since the pandemic began, thousands of South Carolina workers have filed initial unemployment claims and have been paid unemployment and pandemic-related benefits, according to the SC Department of Employment and Workforce. The South Carolina Department of Revenue (SCDOR) reminds individuals receiving unemployment that these benefits are taxable. South Carolina and federal taxes apply to unemployment benefits - including unemployment benefits from programs related to the pandemic. If you are receiving unemployment benefits, please visit the South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce's website at http://www.scdew.gov/individuals/apply-for-benefits/paying-taxes for information on paying taxes related to these benefits.
Tax Tips for Individuals: Preparing for Tax Season It may seem like a long way off, but next year's tax season will begin next month. Organizing and preparing now can save you time, headaches, and even money next year. The South Carolina Department of Revenue (SCDOR) offers these tips to help individuals get ready:
Organize your records now! Save your tax records, W-2s, 1099s, receipts, and other important documents organized in a secure place electronically or in a folder. Keeping the year’s important tax records together saves time when completing next year's return.
Report any new information from life changes, such as a new last name, new mailing address, or new bank account number. Since state and federal tax returns are tied to Social Security numbers, notify the Social Security Administration of any new name using Form SS-5. Notify the IRS (using Form 8822) and the SCDOR (using MyDORWAY or an SC8822) of any address changes.
Get more tips at https://dor.sc.gov/communications/tax-tips-for-individuals-preparing-for-tax-season. For more information about South Carolina Individual Income Tax returns, visit dor.sc.gov/iit. To learn more about preparing for your federal return, visit IRS.gov.