Flood Warning
National Weather Service Newport/Morehead City NC
547 AM EDT Fri Aug 21 2020
...The National Weather Service in Newport/Morehead City NC has
issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in North Carolina...
Contentnea Creek Near Hookerton affecting Greene, Pitt and Lenoir
For the Contentnea Creek...including Hookerton...Minor flooding is
Turn around, don`t drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood
deaths occur in vehicles.
Additional information is available at www.weather.gov.
547 AM EDT Fri Aug 21 2020
The National Weather Service in Newport/Morehead City has issued a
* Flood Warning for
the Contentnea Creek Near Hookerton.
* From this afternoon to late tonight.
* At 5:00 AM EDT Friday the stage was 12.9 feet.
* Flood stage is 13.0 feet.
* Minor flooding is forecast.
* Forecast...The river will rise to 13.0 feet around noon then start
to fall later tonight.
* Impact...At 13.0 feet, Minor flooding of low lying areas adjacent
to creek can be expected. Several homes threatened by water in
northwest Greene County near highway 58.
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