ChristmasVille Events
Old Town Rock Hill will come alive as a charming, picturesque holiday village and outdoor art festival during ChristmasVille, beginning Thursday, December 2.
Related road closings:
Thursday, December 2 beginning at 6 PM:
E. Black St. from Oakland Ave. Elizabeth Ln.
Elizabeth Ln. from E. Black St. to E. Main St.
Thursday, December 2 (beginning at 6 AM) - Sunday, December 5:
Saluda St. from E. Main St. to E. Black St.
Caldwell St. from E. Main St. to E. White St.
Municipal Parking Lot along Dave Lyle Blvd. between E. Main St. and E. White St.
Hampton St. between E. Main St. and E. Black St.
Friday, December 3 (beginning at 6 AM) - Sunday, December 5:
Main St. between Dave Lyle Blvd. and Elizabeth Ln.
Sunday, December 5 beginning at 5:30 PM:
E. Black Street between N. Wilson St. and Dave Lyle Blvd.