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BALTIMORE: Mayor Brandon M. Scott, the 52nd Mayor of Baltimore, is working to end gun violence, restore the public’s trust in government and change Baltimore for the better.
This evening, Mayor Scott is honoring those lost to violence in Baltimore December 31, 2020 from 6PM to 7:30PM virtually via social media.
Mayor Scott, via release mentioned; "Tonight I will be joined by City officials, faith leaders, and community organizers for a virtual vigil to read the names and honor the lives of those lost to violence in Baltimore in 2020."

Guest speakers and name readers for the virtual vigil include:
Imam Derrick Amin
Reverend Donald Wright
Reverend Margarita Santana
Rabbi Daniel Berg
Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby
Comptroller Bill Henry
Baltimore City Council President Nick Mosby
Health Commissioner Dr. Letitia Dzirasa
Commissioner Michael Harrison
Baltimore City Fire Department Chief Niles Ford
Senator Cory McCray, 45th District
Delegate Stephanie Smith, 45th District
Council Vice-President Sharon Green Middleton, 6th District
Councilman Zeke Cohen, 1st District
Councilwoman Danielle McCray, 2nd District
Councilman Mark Conway, 4th District
Councilman Yitzy Schleifer, 5th District
Councilman James Torrence, 7th District
Councilman Kris Burnett, 8th District
Councilman John Bullock, 9th District
Councilwoman Phylicia Porter, 10th District
Councilman Eric Costello, 11th District
Councilman Robert Stokes, 12th District
Councilman Antonio Glover, 13th District
Councilwoman Odette Ramos, 14th District
Photo Credit: Public Domain, Government Photo, Graphics submitted, Stills from Zoom.