News and Opinion: Trigger Warnings; Economics; January Riot
The purpose of this article to inspire; we together undivided can be what we once were. There are times in the history of this nation were we have been divided, we are moving toward it again. It is important that we do not allow any party to divide us, but we need to communicate with each other and not played against each other.
Where do we draw the line in business ethics now? We have Cancel Culture perusing and possibly damaging American businesses and doing harm to per capita income. When a private interest or individual works against American businesses are they not acting against America's best interests because the country on a local, state or federal level loses out on the sales, income tax, investments that come from that labor?
"After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world." John Calvin Coolidge Jr. (1872-1933). (Source: Flickr Commons project, 2017) 1918

Ethics is subjective. Ethics are something that has been watered down to something that is kin, in my observational opinion to politeness, pomp, circumstance, and protocol.
What Are “Ethics”?:
Ethics or to be ethical is defined as “Directives based on one’s ethics and morality. How one lives with others. The foremost concepts and principles of proper human conduct. Socially, it is the collective of universal values, treating each human equally, acknowledging human and natural rights, obeying the law of land, showing health and safety concerns, caring for natural environment. Refer to morality.” (Blacks 2021)
Ethics is based on the general premise and construct that there is a moral right and wrong. During war, is there an absolute right and an absolute wrong? Are we at war? Does one country or nationality have the right to impose our values on another? Are we a weaker country for professing the values we have? Are we a lesser country for professing to have the values we have, but not possessing them in reality?
Generational Values:
Anyone who tells us the truth, we demonize. Anyone who steps outside a party line, are traitors. We, as a country, are more willing to send money overseas then to help our own people here at home.
Political Ethics:
We live in a time where a sitting Governor of New York can falsify a death count because he was worried about his own political aspirations. Fraud is fraud, no matter the reasons. (Gold 2021)
The same governor was accused of sexual harassment, and that was taken more seriously than the nursing home scandal where people died. Reckless endangerment of the elderly is not taken as seriously, leading to death, then sexual harassment.
If we use social media as a barometer; it would be a constant undercurrent of comparing Chief Executives to first line warehouse workers. Although we only see a few mentioned, we never see Wal Mart mentioned, or many of the other high-end executives. (Politico, 2021).
Economic Ethics:
The Governor of South Carolina backed out of the federal assistance packages for unemployed individuals several weeks ago, since then violence has been climbing.
According to studies, there are, a documented correlation between employment and drop in violent crime. The Journal of Law & Economics pointed to information form the Federal Bureau of Investigations, if individuals have the choice between picking up a gun, or picking up a paycheck, people in general pick up the paycheck.
America is not the only county that has freedom, “Canada, Japan, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Australia, Belgum. There are about two hundred and seven Sovern states in the world. About 180 have freedom. . These following items were mentioned in Home Box Offices “The Newsroom” but are researched and fact checked with sources.
7th in Literacy - Washington Post (Strauss, 2016)
27th in Mathematics (Program for International Student Assessment, 2021)
22nd in Science (DeSilver, 2020)
49th in Life Expediency (CIA, 2021)
178th in infant mortality (Rapaport 2018)
3rd in Median household Income (The World Bank, 2021)
4th in labor force and (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2021)
We lead the world in the number of incarcerated citizens (Statistica, 2021)
Defense Spending ($778 Billion) (Alia, 2021)
Labor Ethics:
“We compete on a world stage.” these are the words when I ask why a company farms out their call center workers to countries other than the United States when we are experiencing an Unemployment and COVID-19 crisis.
Fight for $15:
Lower skilled workers are being approached by unions, to unionize and have the union’s propaganda spread across the country via social media. If the labor rate for food employees goes up, so will the withholding on that pay, FICA, and union dues.
Home Based Workers:
It is not bad enough that home-based workers, must use their own electric, and internet service, which they do not get reimbursed for, but also must use their own home space for conducting business for the employer. When an employer can hire home based employees they should hire domestically before hiring from abroad.
Nation States:
The United States is competing against other countries. It is a fair statement to say that our import vs. Import, trade deficit has been off kilter for decades with countries like China. Our country has been buying oil from the middle east for a long time. During the Presidential debates, the President Biden stated very clearly what he wanted to do with the American Oil Sector. Eventually we will be back to selling cars to each other that we do not want and the manufacture, Tesla is having difficulties finding chips for. There is something more to the story as we hear about “Space Command” and investment in planetary collimation, in space instead of environment cleanup here at home, while talks with Iran fall on and off the front page.
Business Warriors:
David Smith in his book, “The Roaring 80’s” called M.B.A. students “Business Warriors”, in the 1980’s we are much stronger, financially, and solid as a nation. Now we have nation states hacking, stealing intellectual property. Are we still warrior? We should be working and doing all we can to keep our country strong, safe, and financially secure for the generation that comes next. How can be business warriors trying to compete on a world stage when we have organizations within our boarders damaging American business.
This Post Has Been Canceled
Everything in this post relates to current economics and ethics. What economic standard can we address where tortes interruptus, the legal doctrine that states that when two individuals have a business relationship and a third party interferes with the two parties do business, that is an actable event.
I have an email from that states that
“When I learned that Costco was selling millions of dollars' worth of MyPillow products, I was overwhelmed with confusion, disappointment, and anger. I love Costco and am a regular customer, but MyPillow CEO (Chief Executive Officer) Mike Lindell is a massive supporter of far-right political activity and pushes conspiracy theories, including those espoused by the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol.” ( 2021) So now we have private interests within our countries claiming victory for harming a United States based company.
So, we have one individual who had an emotional reaction, started a petition, and harmed a United States based company. If you do not like the company do not buy the product. At the same time, Capital Police Officer Harry Dunn falsely claimed that his fallen colleague Officer Brian Sicknick “died from injuries he sustained in the line of duty defending the Capitol of our beloved democracy.” (Analyzing America, 2021)
According to the Washington Post, Officer Sicknick died of two strokes and the autopsy is listed as “Natural causes.” (Hermann, 2021)
Dividing People:
Dividing people, making people dependent on government, and restricting American free enterprise is wrong. There was a positive motion with our country in the past when politicians allowed Americans to do what we do best, work together for the best of our nation. We showed the rest of the world we can recover from depression, recession. But at the same time, we must ensure our investments and financial markets are secure and legitimate. We must ensure and protect our consumer confidence while prosecuting companies, not simply allowing them to pay fines and shortly thereafter become members of exchanges. Everyone has a choice in the career they choose and the education they use to get where they need to be.
(n.d.). Retrieved from
DeSilver, D. (2020, August 21). U.S. academic achievement lags that of many other countries. Retrieved from
Bureau, U. C. (2019, July 16). About 13M U.S. Workers Have More Than One Job. Retrieved July 30, 2021, from
Smith, A. (n.d.). Roaring 80s. New York: Paguin.
Morning Video: 7th In Literacy, 27th In Math, 22nd In Science. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Strauss, V. (2019, April 18). Most literate nation in the world? Not the U.S., new ranking says. Retrieved from
Rapaport, L. (2018, March 21). U.S. infant mortality high even for full-term babies. Retrieved from
Statista Research Department, & 2, J. (2021, June 02). Ranking: Most prisoners per capita by country 2021. Retrieved from
Ali, A. (2021, May 16). Mapped: The World's Top Countries for Military Spending. Retrieved from
Gold, M., & Shanahan, E. (2021, March 05). What We Know About Cuomo's Nursing Home Scandal. Retrieved from
Peter Hermann, S. H. (2021, April 20). Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick, who engaged rioters, suffered two strokes, and died of natural causes, officials say. Retrieved from