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Catalytic Converter Theft Due to Unemployment Crisis?

Writer: NewsroomNewsroom


In just a few moments, with the right tools and knowledge thieves benefit from drivers' ignorance of the parts of their automobiles allow for crime to occur. In just a few moments, the catalytic converter can disappear from beneath your truck or car. It only takes a few moments for a thief to slip under your ride and cut the emission part out of the system. Drivers would not know that the crime has occurred until it is too late and they start the automobile the next time you fire up your engine.

Precious Metals are In Auto Parts

Mechanics are keeping busy reinstalling converters to customers automobiles. The reason the hardware, mostly precious metals, with a value of about $800 each on the black market. The victim is left with a high repair bill.

Currently, platinum prices per ounce is about $982.00, down two dollars today. Rhodium price per ounce $15,050.00 today, as per

"Although the quantities vary by model, on average, only one standard catalytic converter contains about 3-7 grams of platinum, 2-7 grams of palladium, 1-2 grams rhodium. That provides serious gains when tons of scrap catalytic converters are recovered." according to industry sources.

Based on the thefts, registration of the catalytic converters with a sheriff's department, parking in well lit, high traffic areas, watching out for your neighbors, parking within a garage, or use of a cat shield, a device designed to prevent the theft of theft.

Why are we seeing an increase in thefts, currently in the Boiling Springs area/ This is specifically unknown, but it could be assumed the high price of the homes, new residents, and more expensive automobiles, could result in higher quality exhaust systems.

Economics and Criminal Activity due to Decrease in State Unemployment Benefits?

The discontinuance of the federal unemployment benefits to valid unemployment recipients, by our state governor not only has taken money out of the pockets of local residents, but also small and local businesses and black and disadvantages businesses. Economic conditions, which decreased the weekly benefit rate to as low as $209 or less and decreased food stamp benefits. Other factors, such as families desire to support their families, and possible criminal activities, such as drugs may have a factor.



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