DETROIT — Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) Office of Field Operations (OFO) seized nearly 500 pounds marijuana at the Fort Street Cargo Facility on Monday.
Truck, trailer and marijuana seized at Fort Street Cargo Facility

At entry, the tractor trailer was referred to the secondary inspection area for a more in-depth examination of the cargo, which was manifested as peat moss.
An x-ray scan yielded results inconsistent with the purported goods, and a subsequent physical inspection conducted by officers and a canine unit revealed approximately 450 pounds of the drug concealed in 13 cartons among the legitimate cargo. An additional quantity of THC gummies for personal use was recovered from the cab of the tractor.
The illicit goods were ultimately seized, along with the tractor and trailer, and a $5,000 penalty was assessed.
The driver of the vehicle was deemed inadmissible into the U.S. and escorted back to Canada.

Marijuana discovered
“Our multi-layered approach to border security has prevented yet another substantial load of drugs from entering the United States and poisoning our communities,” said Port Director Devin Chamberlain. “The vigilance and expertise of the officers involved, along with the diligence of our canine partners, is commendable.”
The Detroit Field Office, which covers all ports of entry throughout Michigan, has seen a significant increase in illicit drugs seized since essential travel restrictions were enacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year OFO has seized more than 10,000 pounds of marijuana at ports of entry across the state.