During an International Pandemic and Pending Natural Disaster $600 benefit package. for Unemployed is Paused.
Go to Work - Risk Death! - If you can find work.
Developing Story: A Yale Study published last week clearly shows that no evidence that the extra money "encouraged layoffs during the pandemic’s onset nor deterred people from returning to work once businesses began reopening."
"The findings suggest that, in the aggregate, the expanded benefits neither encouraged layoffs during the pandemic’s onset nor deterred people from returning to work once businesses began reopening."
Link to Yale Study: https://news.yale.edu/2020/07/27/yale-study-finds-expanded-jobless-benefits-did-not-reduce-employment
The real issue here is if individuals have the extra money in their pockets, the economy will improve, and when jobs that are a livable wage reappear, Trump will be given the praise and the votes.
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To Apply for Benefits (Food Stamps) Click Here: https://dss.sc.gov/assistance-programs/snap/how-do-i-apply/