New Decal Applications for Convenience Centers Available Starting Today
Starting today, October 19th, residents will be able to apply for a decal for the Beaufort County Convenience Center, aka the trash dump, using the online form at www.beaufortcountysc.gov/SWRDecal. Applications will also be available at all County convenience centers for Beaufort County residents to fill out. The County recently announced the decal system as a way to prevent out-of-county abuse of the waste collection locations. One decal will be issued per Beaufort County property owner. In addition to the physical copy, residents will receive a digital copy that will allow them to have it on their phone and for other members of their household if they are using a different vehicle. Decals will be required beginning January 1, 2021. For questions, call the Beaufort County Solid Waste and Recycling Department at 843-255-2930.