Hilton Head Island, S.C. – March 18, 2021 – Projects involving repair work on pathways and repainting of traffic signal mast holders will get underway around the Town of Hilton Head Island next week.
Upcoming Maintenance Project on Hilton Head Island Traffic Signals Maintenance work on traffic signal mast arms at four intersections on Hilton Head Island will take place from Monday, March 22, through Sunday, May 9, weather permitting.
Mast arms are the pole fixtures to which traffic signals are attached. The maintenance project involves repainting the mast arms at the following intersections during the specified time frame:
· Palmetto Bay Road at Target – March 22 to April 4
· William Hilton Parkway at Arrow Road – March 29 to April 11
· William Hilton Parkway at Singleton Beach Road – April 5 to April 18
· William Hilton Parkway at Beachwood Drive – April 12 to April 25
“The original paint on these mast arms is old and faded, and some joints and fittings are beginning to show signs of rust. The work the contractor will do is prudent maintenance and upkeep of this important public infrastructure,” said Jeff Buckalew, Interim Director of Public Projects and Facilities for the Town of Hilton Head Island.
While the project is underway, motorists are urged to use extra caution and patience in work areas as traffic flow may be impacted. Through lanes on Palmetto Bay Road and William Hilton Parkway will remain open during the entire project. Traffic in turn lanes and side streets may experience periodic and temporary lane closures during work periods.
For more information on this project, contact James Cook, Engineering Project Manager, at jamesc@hiltonheadislandsc.gov or at 843-341-4778.
Repair Work on Island Pathways Continue Repair work to the pathway along portions of Gumtree Road is expected to be completed next week. Following that, contractors will make repairs on pathways along Union Cemetery Road, Mathews Drive and Dillon Road.
Temporary pathway closures are expected in the immediate vicinity of the work. Pathway users should exercise caution near the work zones. Work is expected to be completed within one week from the start date.
For more information on Town’s pathway repair project, contact Alice Derian, Assistant Facilities Manager, at aliced@hiltonheadislandsc.gov or at 843-342-4581.
