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Step 1: Prepare

Writer: NewsroomNewsroom

This step is most successful when there is sufficient time to properly prepare for a storm, or emergency. Common sense tells us that not all emergencies are known in advance.

events every late summer we get storms. Or in Buffalo, NY they get heavy slow and ice. Based on this information, we must always be weather ready.

If there is an emergency when it comes to economic, or money coming into the home, perhaps, like many South Carolina employees have heard, "Business Need does not require your efforts at this time." will you be prepared to handle your rent, power, food and living expenses?

Do you know what types of aid are available and what basic infastructure is already present to help you regain income into your home to cover living expenses?

The South Carolina Department of Emergency Management and Ready by the Federal Emergency Management authorities have excellent guidence, but in most cases the information is worthless the longer you wait to take action.

The South Carolina Department of Emergency Management put to gether a checklist of items, I have sombined some of the items

  • Post emergency telephone numbers by phones (fire, police, ambulance, etc.).

  • Teach children how and when to call 911 or your local Emergency Medical Services number for emergency help.

  • Show each family member how and when to turn off the water, gas, and electricity at the main switches. Keep water and gas keys in a central location.

  • Determine the best escape routes from your home and mark them on a diagram in your family emergency kit. Find two ways out of each room.

  • Identify the safe spots in your home for each type of disaster.

In Advance of an Emergency:

Take a Red Cross first aid and CPR class.

Stock emergency supplies and assemble a Disaster Supplies Kit.

Annually check if you have adequate insurance coverage and determine if specific types of disasters like hurricanes are covered or excluded under your policy.

Teach each family member how to use the fire extinguisher (ABC type) and show them where it's kept.

Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors on each level of your home (especially near bedrooms) and remember to change the batteries twice a year.

Economic Emergency Coupled with Weather Emergency

So, with the reduction in $600 in benefits from the government and the immenent storm approaching, that local and federal government poloticians knew about, that was a huge disservice to leave Washington over the weekend without getting the HEALS Act Complete, it definately has an effect on individuals ability to stock up and prepare for a natural disaster, endangered families with children and may have made relocation due to the storm out of reach.

Politicians Get Paid Regardless - They Got Theirs - They Don't Care about Us

Companies not reopening their doors because of uncertainty about various government programs, guidence, and regulations have a real world effet on the bottom line of many businesses. One of te best examples is restaurants; where COVID-19 is supposed to be such a concern, but the Governor has announced restaurants can reopen. Working at a restaurant at minimum wage on a schedule that employees are supposed to have open availablity does noone any good, but these same employees are stuck there, because when the local workforce is sold to new manufacors and businesses, as incentives to place a new warehouse or assemnly plant, low wages are a factor. In an area, where the poverty line income is $24 an hour, majority of employment opportunities pay about $15 and even less if you answer employment advertising on social media.


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