NEWS OPINION: (spartanburg.one) I hope words like systemic fade away in 2021 because it's bullshit. I can tell you why. Calling something Systemic places blame for something on the system, as an adjective, a blue balloon, a systemic problem. (For example), when we should be addressing a person or people who brought the policy, or practice to birth.
So far today I saw an article how roads are racist. Poor white people and poor black people have more in common then rich people and poor people. Rich people have more ability to choose and take more risk then a poor person, because they have more means not because of their pigmentation. People have been leaving NY for years due to politicians who put their party above the people they serve, it's not Citizens fault they want a better living arrangement, but workforce development is making deals with employers selling the average hourly rate for employment far less then poverty and rent.
None will make your decisions for you, get online find some work in a different state, apply, accept the job offer and get a roommate - there are roommate finding services online and board a Greyhound, it's that simple. 96$ for a one way ticket to the Carolinas. If you don't take time to do your own homework and act like an adult you can whine and pout about white privilege all you want - because you weren't enough of an adult to carve out and claim some of that privilege for yourself.
They only person oppressing you - look in the mirror. How can we let the media divide us and find "Let's make America Great". How is that racist - Same work same wages, same grades same future. Want privilege, or respect - earn it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAlig2jW7SAhttps://www.greyhound.com/en/ecommerce/schedule