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The Town of Hilton Head Island Joins Neighboring Municipalities for Region Wide Beaufort Census

Writer's picture: NewsroomNewsroom

September 4, 2020 - The Town of Hilton Head Island will be joining Beaufort County, the Town of Bluffton, the City of Beaufort, the Town of Port Royal, the Town of Yemassee and the City of Hardeeville, in a region wide Census Day, Wednesday, September 9, in an effort to increase the 2020 Census response rate for the region.

The deadline for citizens to complete the U. S. Census is September 30, and it is critical that the Town gets a complete count by that date. As of September 3, the response rates are as follows:

  • United States, 65.2%

  • South Carolina, 59.1 %

  • Beaufort County, 48.9%

  • Town of Hilton Head Island, 41.9%

What’s At Stake A complete count is critical for local governments to receive their fair share of resources from any federal and state programs for the next 10 years. "A lot depends on this count," said Josh Gruber, Assistant Town Manager for Hilton Head Island. "Money for schools, roads, healthcare and other critical community programs. Broadband access is important for many rural communities, so population counts can drive how much funding the federal government gives to states to expand internet access." The Town is able to get funds through the federal community development block grant program for projects like parks and public services, Gruber said. "Most recently, we secured a $378,000 block grant, which is being used to provide assistance to low- and moderate-income families and individuals as they deal with COVID-19.' Data collected by the Census provides businesses with a snapshot of a community. It used for economic development and job creation. Business owners use the data to analyze population trends and growth projections; this helps them decide where to open new stores, offices and restaurants and where to expand operations. Census data determines how lines are drawn for U.S. House of Representatives, South Carolina State House and municipal government seats. "We would truly like to see an uptick in the Hilton Head Island numbers as well as those across the region. As of today, we have 26 more days left, and we need your help to make Hilton Head Island count," Gruber said. How to Fill Out the Census Residents have three options for completing the census:

  • Fill out the paper form using blue or black ink. The U.S. Census Bureau send this form to households in March.

  • Call 844-330-2020 (English) or 844-468-2020 (Spanish)

  • Go to

Each process is expected to take between 3-10 minutes, depending on how many people live in each household. The Census does not require an ID. The most important aspect of filling out the Census is to record your address correctly. Each resident is reminded the Census is not allowed, by law, to share any personal identifying information with any agency or organization. Census enumerators have also started visiting households that have not completed the census by mail, phone or online. How you can help

  • Fill out the Census form if you haven't done so already.

  • Publish a reminder in your community organization's (i.e. churches, businesses, property owners' associations) email, newsletter or any other communications, stressing the importance of filling out the Census.

  • Give your employees 10 minutes on Wednesday, September 9, to fill out the Census.

  • Inspire your neighbors, friends, and family on social media to complete the Census.

  • Call friends and neighbors and remind them about the Census.

  • Use hashtags #HiltonHeadIslandCounts or #BeaufortCountyCounts in social media posts.

  • Forward this email to spread the word. Ensure everyone is counted and represented!

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