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Tractor Trailor Accident Rt 176 near Wades

Writer: NewsroomNewsroom

SPARTANBURG, SC (MyStuffNow): During the noontime rush, first responders reported to the scene of a tractor tailor accident. The accident happened very quickly with traffic approaching on the 176 not seeing it until being at the accident. Smoke billowed from the front of the trailer with flames, but nearby trees blocked view.

Fire and Police

Traffic was eventually blocked from California Avenue down to the scene. State Highway Patrol, County and Local police all assisted in keeping the scene safe. Teamwork kept the public safe.

Young and Reckless

Having no traffic diversion signals to throw diverting traffic from 176 to Route 9 traffic continued to flow to the accident scene. Motorists too ignorant to realize people are stopped for a reason, driving their father's convertible with paper plates, flipping people off, quickly understood what the traffic tie up was all about.



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